Balder - Roadmap first half 2011
Some of you might be wondering what is on the Agenda for Balder in 2011. One of the core focus areas is to get the library to a level were it is easier to get people onboard and have more resources...
Some of you might be wondering what is on the Agenda for Balder in 2011. One of the core focus areas is to get the library to a level were it is easier to get people onboard and have more resources...
For those of you using Balder, you might have seen that 2010 had quite a boost in development for the library, with features being added almost daily, and then all of a sudden it came to a halt. T...
Happy new year to everyone! I’m starting off 2011 with brilliant news. For the most part, in fact 99.9% of Balder, I have been the sole developer. I’ve had some help with some of the math from fri...
This is one of those classical summaries done by most bloggers around the world; what did I do in 2010 and whats going on in 2011. 2010 is probably the year, in my life at least, that went by the ...
First of all, this is not a religious post. Its not a PC vs Mac post, I’m just fed up with the quality of hardware the PC manufacturers are putting out there. 2.5 years ago I switched from being a...
Want to get a glimpse of what Microsoft Azure is all about and happen to be around Stavanger, Norway at the 15th of December this year. I’m holding a introday in Stavanger, Norway focusing on Azur...
On a very short notice - I agreed yesterday (Friday) to do a workshop at Øredev 2010, on Monday. The workshop is called “Getting Started with Silverlight Development”. Jeff Wilcox from Microsoft wi...
The last couple of days in the aftermath of PDC 2010 has been quite stressful. Mary Jo Foleys posted an interview with Bob Muglia about Microsoft shifting in their strategy for Silverlight. With th...
I’ve been back and forth so many times with trying to come up with a good licensing model for Balder and have decided to keep the Ms-PL license, with one exception. Anyone creating commercial libra...
Ever since I started blogging and talking about this release back in August, I have simply not had the time to get it out the door. Always a little something I wanted to fix, or my daytime job gett...