
Game Camp - The Gathering 2008 material

We held an Xna workshop at the Gathering 2008 in the Easter and most of the material is now available for download from here.

The workshop went very well. We held a 10 hour introduction to Xna with interactive tutoring the first day, the second and third day Petri Wilhelmsen (also known as digitalerror0r) had a standby function for those who needed further help. In addition to having a workshop we held an Xna competition. First price was a Xbox360 Halo 3 edition with Halo3, second price a Windows Vista Ultimate and third price was a wireless network adapter for Xbox360, all the prices was courtesy of MSDN Norway (thanks again Rune Zakariassen).

We videotaped the different sessions we had, but the sound quality was really bad, we’re working with different tools to see if we can enhance it and publish it on Game Camp.

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