
Game Camp - Events 2008

We’ve finally agreed upon the dates for the two Game Camp events we’ll be having in 2008.

25th of April and 26th of September.

We have only nailed the structures for the events and are still working on the agendas for both events.
The structure for the first event will be resemble what one is used to for user groups such as NNUG (Norwegian .Net User Group) - an evening with 2-3 speakers lasting some 3-4 hours.

For the second event in september, we have bigger plans. We will do what we did last year in November and escalate the content. So far we’ve planned the following :

  • Full day and evening event with a social happening at the end
  • “Superstar” speakers for our main track
  • Breakout sessions with specialized content reaching from skill-level 100 to 300
  • Hands-on-labs were you are able to sit down and try out XNA for yourself
  • Hopefully we’ll be having partner booths as well

We will be posting news about the events on the Game Camp site.

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