
Bifrost; Getting back to it...

Its been a while since I wrote anything about Bifrost. In fact the last post I did was about me not maintaining it anymore. The thing is; its been an empty year for me personally since February when I announced it. I didn’t realize it until I was at a partner who wanted to dive deep on SOLID, DDD, CQRS, EventSourcing and more and we only had a couple of days to prototype something. We talked it over and we decided that doing Bifrost would get us there quicker… what a relief… I’m so glad we did that. All of a sudden it all became very clear to me; I need to continue the work - its just too much fun. I had a hunch, but didn’t see it all that clear. A few months back I started pulling things from Bifrost into a new project called Cratis and making it more focused. Never kind of thinking that it should go back into Bifrost.

So, what am I doing about it. Well, first of all; I took down the post announcing the stop in maintenance. It didn’t make sense to have it there when coming to this realization that I need to push on. The second thing I did - in order to get back into the mood and understanding Bifrost (even though I wrote most of it) again, was to start writing the proper documentation that it deserves. This now sits here. The next thing that will happen is that development will be picked up again.

From the top of my head, this is what needs to be done:

  1. Add a support for running on Azure in a distributed manner - with a working sample
  2. Clean up. Remove platforms not being used.
  3. Simplify code. Make it more focused.
  4. Modernise it. Make it run on .NET Core

  5. Rewrite JavaScript to be ES2015+
  6. Break it apart into many small GitHub projects that can be maintained individually

In between there might be some features that sneaks in. But the majority of new development will have to happen after these things have happened.

Alongside with it all; more documentation, more samples, more videos - just simply more. :)

Really looking forward to getting back into this and see what 2017 have in store for Bifrost work.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.