
Wazzzzup ??

Its been quiet on this page since April, in fact - since 2007 this is the longest period of time that has gone by without any posts on the blog. The reason behind my quiet period has been that I’ve basically been working way too much. I’ve had quite a few things on my plate and really haven’t had the time to blog at all, hardly had time to tweet even.

This is about to change. I’ve started clearing up my schedule quite a bit in order to focus more on the things I love; blogging, open-source and being social on the usual suspected social medias. Time to go back to the roots and rediscover the fun.

That being said…
For those of you who have been following my work on Balder have seen the occasional commit, but not at the pace you might be used to from me. I’m very committed to bringing back to life Balder - there are a few things I need to be doing to the library before I’m comfortable, but I’ll be posting about that later in a separate post.

Another project that is dear to heart is something called Bifrost, something that has been getting a lot of love the last year and will get even more love moving forward from now. Also a project I will be blogging more about and sharing some of the experience from building with you.

Concluding this post with; I’m back and I will be focusing more on the blogosphere and the open-source community moving forward.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.