
Still alive and kicking

Its been the most hectic couple of months I’ve ever had since February. 

I’ve had a few Silverlight courses, been out in the field at all kinda customers, traveling across Norway, doing talks at user groups and at the same time doing some moonlighting for a U.S. based company - and during this time, working hard on Balder and getting more and more features in it, optimizing it and fixing bugs. It has come at a price though, me not being able to post any blogposts and pretty much be passive on Twitter, Facebook and Messenger. My family will be surprised to see me soon, I guess. :) 

Balder is coming a long nicely and I’ll be posting a bit about the new features and changes when I get some more time. Soon there will be a new official release, and I’m working on getting together a continuous integration server that will also do nightly builds and push them automatically to Codeplex. Just have to decide which platform I want to run it on - Mac or Windows. 

So until then, have patience with my blog - I’ll return and put out quite a few articles I have running around in my brain.

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