
Silverlight Unit Test runners, new project -> Odin

I’ve been busy the last couple of nights doing a complete rewrite of my original SilverlightRunners project.
The reason for this was that the structure of the original project didn’t agree with me, hard to write unit tests, bad structure - had the feeling of being rushed. Also, having the implementational details it had, stability was really bad. Another point was that I wanted to rebrand the project.

The new project has been called Odin (yes, I know - what is going on with all this Norse Mythology fetish I seem to have..) and is located on Codeplex.

For the time being there is a 0.4 release, with an MSI file for easier installation. The current version only has limited support for running the unit tests through commandline.  I am working hard these days to complete the 0.5 release to have a feature full execution engine for running tests and full commandline support. Then I’ll be moving on to recreating the resharper support, targetting R# 4.5.

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