
Game Camp : Another great event has been completed

We’ve just finished another event with success.

With the help from our sponsors; MSDN Norway, Digiment, NITH, Treyarch and JetBrains, we were able to pull off another great event. This time around we had 2 separate tracks with speakers for everyone to choose from and great content all the way.

In addition; we got, as always, really valuable help from the Microsoft Student Community at NITH. We would like to thank everyone involved doing this event, we really appreciate it. A special thanks goes to Anders Bondehagen for pulling his network at NITH and other places to make this event happen. To show our appreciation, Anders was awarded an Xbox 360, courtesy of Digiment.

Also, we’d like to thank our speakers for their great help in making the event something to remember; Scott Bilas / Loose Cannon Studios, Eirik Moseng / Digiment, Joachim Barrum / Artplant, Torbjørn Sitre / Funcom, Trond Johansen / Artplant and Jan Kasper Martinsen / NITH.

Until next time.

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