
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 + Windows Server 2008 - RTM

Finally Microsoft has finished the long awaited Service Pack 1 for Vista.  Congratulations!
You can read more about it over at the Windows Vista Team Blog.

It won’t be available for public download as of yet :

  • In mid-March, we will release Windows Vista SP1 to Windows Update (in English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese) and to the download center on  Customers who visit Windows Update can choose to install Service Pack 1.  If Windows Update determines that the system has one of the drivers we know to be problematic, then Windows Update will not offer SP1.  Since we know that some customers may want to update to SP1 anyhow, the download center will allow anyone who wants to install SP1 to do so.

  • In mid-April, we will begin delivering Windows Vista SP1 to Windows Vista customers who have chosen to have updates downloaded automatically.  That said, any system that Windows Update determines has a driver known to not update successfully will not get SP1 automatically.  As updates for these drivers become available, they will be installed automatically by Windows Update, which will unblock these systems from getting Service Pack 1.  The result is that more and more systems will automatically get SP1, but only when we are confident they will have a good experience.

  • The remaining languages will RTM in April.

In addition the RTM version of Windows Server 2008 is also available, read more here.

Congrats on that one as well. :)

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