
Sapient using Balder for client project

Balder is rapidly moving from being a proof of concept for rotating a box in 3D as it was in early 2007 to becoming a quality library that can be used for gaming and line of business applications. Thanks to all that has shown interest in the project by using it, writing books about it, creating your own demos and posting it, and last but not least companies like Sapient - that took a leap of faith and went with Balder for visualization on a Silverlight project they are doing for a client they have.

A little more than a month ago, I came to an agreement with Sapient on helping them out using Balder on a non-disclosed client project. The Balder project itself is not affected by it, licensing or ownership wise. But it is affected in a rather positive way, it gives me the extra motivation to keep adding features and at a much faster rate than before. Although it might seem “quiet” on the outside, seeing thats there been more than 4 weeks since a release - its very hectic from where I’m sitting. I’m at high speed and turning out code as fast as I can. I will try to get a release out now and then, and hopefully we’ll see one out in a short time span. More on the upcoming release in another post. Stay tuned.

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