
Balder Release is out

UPDATE 8th of July 2010 : is out - read more here.

Its been a busy month getting all “loose” ends in the Balder project tied up. Hopefully we haven’t left anyone still in here.

For this release we’ve been focusing on bug fixing, cleaning up the APIs and getting better “native” Silverlight support through Xaml. The release and details about it can be foundhere.

Xaml support has been very important for this release, and not only exposing objects and initialization in Xaml, but also being able to manipulate it. The end result is now that you can do a lot of the magic in Xaml without having to touch base with C# at all. For the next release there will be even more focus on this, getting better support for Blend design-time, storyboarding and general editing experience in Blend. But also the support for MVVM style development, so one can get better separation in the code.

We are in the midst of creating tutorials for this new release, as there are major changes and new features that needs some explaining.

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